InstallAnywhere 2018 简介-程序员宅基地

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InstallAnywhere是应用程序生产商的领先安装开发解决方案。 它允许您为物理,虚拟和云环境提供一致,专业的多平台安装包制作工具。 您可以为本地平台(Windows,Linux,Apple,Solaris,AIX,HP-UX和IBM)创建可靠的安装包。 将现有的和新的软件产品带到虚拟和云基础架构,并创建Docker容器 - 所有这些都来自单个InstallAnywhere项目。

InstallAnywhere Features

  • Upgrades and Updates Simplified - You can easily update installations. Create installers that can use a combination of upgrade, maintenance, and instance management functionality. On a machine with multiple instances, choose which operation to perform for each one - upgrade existing versions or run maintenance to add/remove features.
  • Enhanced User Interface - Include an engaging and professional experience with InstallAnywhere’s fresh-looking modern user interface.
  • Create Java-based Installations for Multiplatform Applications - Save time by creating a single multiplatform installation project to build installations for each of the platforms your application supports, including the latest updates from Windows, Apple, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and IBM. Easily support platform-specific installation requirements, read and set system environment variables, create aliases, install shortcuts and links, and manage Windows services and registry edits. Create 64-bit installations to install applications into Windows Server Core environments where the 32-bit subsystem has been disabled.
  • Advanced UI Designer - WYSIWYG designer for installation panels makes it fast and easy to create appealing, DPI-aware installations. Designs can be saved as templates and reused to ensure consistent branding across all your products.
  • Rules Manager - Simplify the development of multiplatform installations by defining reusable platform rules that are automatically applied based on file types.
  • Install Dependencies from Linux Package Managers - Implement Linux best practices and reduce steps for managing RPM and DEB prerequisites by installing dependencies from Linux package managers.
  • Support Latest Microsoft Certificate Requirements - Support revised requirements for SHA-256 certificates and digests.
  • Install Web Apps to Tomcat and WebSphere - With just a few clicks, you can create multiplatform installers that can securely deploy WAR and EAR files to Apache Tomcat and IBM WebSphere. Built-in panels make it easy for the installing user to specify the web server’s host name and credentials. When installing to WebSphere, the built-in panels additionally account for capturing the customer’s SSL truststore and password, SOAP ports, and Administrative Security information. These variables are all predefined and could optionally be added to custom panels if preferred.
  • Create Installs that Connect to IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL, MySQL, and Oracle - Simplify the development of installations for complex applications by ensuring your installations can easily connect to the leading database servers; IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL, MySQL, and Oracle. Built-in panels give your users the ability to easily connect installations to their preferred database server.
  • Silent, Console, and GUI installations - Support for a wide range of deployment scenarios. InstallAnywhere installations support running silently, via console, or through graphical wizards.
  • Multilingual Runtime Support - Present installation text in up to 32 different languages for localizing installations.
  • Easily Create Updates - Simplify development and installation of upgrades with a new standard framework that automatically detects and removes prior versions of your application.
  • Automation Interface - Support continuous integration practices and reduce manual editing by leveraging automation scripts to edit, build, and test installations via Java APIs.



孟小姐 Yolanda Meng


[email protected]

[email protected]


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