JEDI Visual Component Library-程序员宅基地

技术标签: delphi  送给小白  

JEDI Visual Component Library

JVCL is a library of over 600 Delphi visual and non-visual Delphi/C++Builder components. It supports Delphi/C++Builder 6 and newer.

The library is built upon code donated from the JEDI community. It is reformatted to achieve a common look-and-feel, tested and merged into the library. The library is grouped into several packages. It is released to the public under the terms of the Mozilla Public License (MPL) and as such can be freely used in both freeware/shareware, opensource and commercial projects. The entire JEDI Visual Component Library is distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License (MPL).

This includes, but is not limited to, this document and all source code and ancillary files. Source code files included in the JVCL have a header which explicitly states this (as is required) however, unless noted otherwise, all files including those without an MPL header, are subject to the MPL license.

Clone with GIT

> git clone git:// jvcl

This will get you the JVCL repository. You also need the JCL

How to install

  1. Install the JCL
  2. Start the jvcl\install.bat

Release version

You can download the latest released version from

Daily snapshots

You can download daily snapshots from

Report Bugs

While we try hard to release bug free software, bugs are a part of reality. So, if you have found any bugs, please report them to us. To make the bug reporting as efficient as possible, please try to follow these rules:

  • Make the report as detailed as possible so we have a fair chance to reproduce and fix it.
  • If you have any code that reproduce the problem, attach it to the report (zip file, source only, no dependencies on third-party software).
  • Detailed steps are mandatory for us to understand and solve your problem.
  • If you already have a solution you believe will work, include it in the bug report.
  • Be prepared to monitor the report after submission since it is very common that we will need additional information.

Login to report a bug

If you do not have a login, please register, it's quick and will allow you to receive email updates when the bug you posted gets through the resolution process.


The JVCL is built by the community, but more importantly, for the community. Therefore we would like to hear from you. If you have any problems, comments or suggestions we would appreciate it if you would drop us a note. There are several ways to get in contact with us. Note that we also like to hear about you if everything is fine, as this will let us know that what we do is appreciated.

  • Newsgroups The newsgroups are the most active forums for discussing the JVCL (and other JEDI related topics) and is also the place where the JVCL developers hang out. The JVCL specific group is called jedi.jvcl, but you are recommended to also subscribe to at least jedi.general and jedi.jcl.

    Newsserver (news://

    • jedi.jvcl (news://
    • jedi.general (news://
    • jedi.jcl (news://
  • Web gateway If you can't access to the newsgroups directly (because of firewalls or company policy), there is also a web gateway to the newsgroups.

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。


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