NUS-CS5461 Week12: Tournaments-程序员宅基地

技术标签: 算法  NUS硕士课程笔记  

1. Outdegree of x ∈ A:

Number of alternatives dominated by s s s

2. Condorcet Winner / Loser:

Condorcet winner: Alternative that dominates all other alternatives who has outdegree n − 1 n-1 n1, 只有出去的箭头没有进来的箭头

Condorcet loser: Alternative that is dominated by all other alternatives who has outdegree 0. 只有进来的箭头

3. Copeland Set (CO):

Alternatives with the highest outdegree.

4. Top Cycle (TC):

Alternatives that can reach every other alternative via a directed path (of any length)

Equivalent definition of TC: (Unique) smallest nonempty set B of alternatives such that all alternatives in B dominate all alternatives outside B.

5. Uncovered Set (UC):

Alternatives that can reach every other alternative via a directed path of length ≤ 2. Stronger than Top Cycle.

Covering relation: (Strong indicator that x is better than y)

An alternative x covers another alternative y if

  • x dominates y.
  • For any z, if y dominates z, then x also dominates z.

Equivalent definition of UC: The set of all uncovered alternatives.

Proof of: x can reach y in ≤ 2 steps ⇔ \Leftrightarrow y does not cover x.

  • Suppose that x can reach y in ≤ 2 \le 2 2 steps but y cover x.
  • If y cover x, then y dominates x and given any z, if y dominates z, then x also dominates z.
  • If x can reach y in 1 step, i.e.: x dominates y, then it is contradictory.
  • If x can reach y in 2 steps, then suppose y dominates z and z dominates x, but the condition is that if y dominates z, then x also dominates z. So, it is contradictory.

6. Banks Set (BA):

Alternatives that appear as the maximal (i.e., strongest) element of some transitive subtournament that cannot be extended

Transitive tournament: The alternatives can be ordered as a 1 , ⋯   , a k a_1, \cdots , a_k a1,,ak so that a i a_i ai dominates a j a_j aj for all i < j i < j i<j (Everything goes in the same direction)

第一步:对于每个node作为起点,找它的transitive sub-tournament,也就是每个node都dominate其后的所有node;第二步:判断不在这个sub-tournament的其他node中,有没有可以dominate全部这些node的(也就是extend),如果有的话,这个node就不在BA中。

7. Containment Relations

CO ⊆ \subseteq UC ⊆ \subseteq TC, BA ⊆ \subseteq UC ⊆ \subseteq TC
(Image Source: NUS CS5461 Week 12 Lecture Slides, Page 10)

8. Axioms

1) Condorcet-consistency

If there is a Condorcet winner x, then x is uniquely chosen.

2) Monotonicity:

If x is chosen, then it should remain chosen when it is strengthened against another alternative y (and everything else stays the same).

3) CO, TC, UC, and BA all satisfy both of these axioms.

(Image source: NUS CS5461 Week 12 Lecture Slides, Page 9)

由于考试范围仅限于计算CO, TC, UC, BA等,故后面的内容没有包含在笔记之中

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